Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a natural, complementary treatment that is used for curing emotional imbalances and suffering. The remedy is based on the fact that energies from different flowers can bring about mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. Dr. Edward Bach in England developed the 38 Bach Flower remedies in the early part of the twentieth-century. The remedies are made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants and trees, that are neither harmful nor habit forming. They restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, anger, hatred, self-doubt and indecision, sadness, impatience and guilt, which interfere with our equilibrium.

What does a consultation involve

The Bach Flower practitioner begins by asking the client a few questions to ask his/her current requirement, and also his/her temperament, emotional outlook, mood and personality on the basis of which the remedy is prepared.

How to use them

Bach remedies can be given as pills, spray or liquid. Dosage as per instructions from the practitioner.

Side Effects and Safety

The Bach Flower Essences are safe for everyone including children, pregnant women, elders, pets, and even plants.