
Clinical hypnotherapy is an established complementary therapy with an excellent track record. A number of now offer an overview of clinical hypnotherapy as a Selective Study Unit. It means using advanced methods of hypnosis and other techniques to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems. Researches around the globe state more than 85 per cent of people readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is neither some form of magic, nor a cheap street trick, nor any kind of quick fix. Apart from a trained hypnotherapist, it also requires the client’s commitment to change and to make the efforts to transform that change into a reality.
Hypnosis is basically an altered state of consciousness into which you can naturally enter or be guided to enter for therapeutic purposes. In this state, beneficial corrections are given directly to your unconscious mind. Hypnosis is an effective tool of making contact with our inner (unconscious) self, which is both a reservoir of unrecognized potential and knowledge as well as being the unknowing source of many of our problems.
The common belief that under hypnosis people can be forced to do something against their will, cannot be hold true. At all times of the therapy session, the client is aware of what is going on around them, as only the logical, argumentative, and ever questioning conscious mind becomes passive and not sleep, as the highly creative subconscious mind becomes active, almost akin to a meditative state.
Benefits of Clinical hypnotherapy
- It is highly cost effective with patient, benefit often being achieved rapidly.
- It can be successful where other interventions have not produced the desired outcome.
- Very effective in treating a wide range of issues like fears and phobias, anxiety and stress, panic attacks, insomnia, lack of self-confidence, weight management, smoking cessation, pain management etc.
- Very effective in treating physical conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, skin conditions and migraines, etc
Hypnotherapy process
- An initial consultation with the therapist to explore your issue and for you to ask any questions that you might have.
- The number of hypnotherapy sessions required thereafter ranges from 1 to 3-5 sessions of approx 1-2 hours duration.
- If formal trance is used during the session you will probably experience the pleasant, relaxing feeling of being in trance for approx 30-45 minutes.
- These sessions are generally customised to your individual needs and wants, and your beliefs are respected at all times.
- If you want a specific technique or approach to be used or avoided then mention this to your hypnotherapist and your treatment plan will be adjusted in accordance with your wishes.